Recent News


KESAB “Clean Up St Monica’s”



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Congratulations Hanz

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End of Year Concert Celebrations


Winter Appeal


Year 6 Vinnies Winter Sleepout

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St Monica's Celebrates Mother's Day

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Catholic Education Week


Community Picnic

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Exploring Place Value

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Catholic Education Director, Dr Neil McGoran

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Love Thy Neighbour

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Celebrating our Musical Talents


Last week some of our talented musicians celebrated their skills by performing at our Instrumental Music Concert. For many of our violin, guitar, voice and piano students, this was their first experience performing to an audience. All students were well prepared and performed beautifully! 

If you are interested in enrolling your child in instrumental lessons for 2023, please contact Sarah Tamblyn for further information. Enrolment forms will be sent out in the new year with your child's stationery pack. 


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2022 Children's University Graduation


2022 SALA Exhibition


Inspired by Mary MacKIllops quote "we are but travellers" and using mostly upcycled materials the students created works of art that represented their vision of Gods dream for creation.


Vinnies Winter Appeal



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Book Buddies

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Performance Choir


The Very Hungry Catterpillars


Clean Up Australia Day


School Garden

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Celebrating our Character Strengths


We have been identifying and describing our personal strengths. We have then looked at our strengths and discussed how these contribute to family and school life. Research in the field of positive psychology emphasises the importance of identifying and using individual strengths. This in turn, promotes wellbeing, positive behaviour and academic achievement. Today we celebrated each other’s personal strengths and created our class ‘Personal Strength Celebration Tree’ to remind us of all our strengths as a team. What a precious, beautiful class we have with so many super strengths!!


Back to School


Thanks to the hard work and dedication of our staff, students have have experienced a seamless return to school this year. Many working on line from home and others face-to-face here at school, our teachers have managed to ensure learning for all.


Abraham Institute


Our year six class were privileged to spend time this week with presenters from the Abraham Institute. Two Muslim, a Jewsish and a Christian presenter all shared their knowledge about how they live out their faith here in Adelaide. The students were encouraged to ask questions and reflect on their own beliefs and faith practices.


Children's University Graduation


So proud of the students who graduated from Children's University this week at Adelaide University's Bonython Hall.

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Tennis Carnival


Read more about it in an article written by year 4 students Mia and Sienna. 

The Tennis Carnival was a fun and enjoyable experience. There were many courts to play on, and many schools to play against.

The people we played against were very nice and fair. The court supervisor would put on music every game and at the end of the game they would stop the music and that’s when we knew when to stop playing.

Our school played 6 games and enjoyed them all. We were put in 7 teams for example Walkerville 6 was one of the teams and Walkerville 7 was another and so on. After a game we would go up to our home base to enjoy a snack and drink before going up again to play. 

We enjoyed this very much because of the sportsmanship there, we liked getting to know some other people from other schools, as well as getting to play tennis with them! Overall, this was a very good carnival and everyone enjoyed playing tennis at the Tennis!

Special congratulations to Evan who won the Sportmanship Award and the carnival.



Girls in STEM


Yesterday we participated in CESA’s ‘Girls in STEM’ initiative with a breakfast and STEM challenge. Students and teachers from Kildare College joined our girls for breakfast and organised a ‘tallest paper tower’ challenged. We wish to thank Kildare for spending the morning with us.


St Monica's Celebrates Catholic Schools Open Week


Netball Carnival


Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Education


On Monday 24 May 2021 Catholic schools around Australia celebrated 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia. To mark this occasion senior students joined Ms Canala at a special Mass at the Cathedral in the morning and we then joined St Monica’s students and staff at our co-parish school at St Martin’s. We had a great day joining together for a combined liturgy, lunch and play, followed by a joint class activity. The children and staff from both schools had a memorable and fun day. Many thanks to St Martin’s School for hosting us for the special occasion.


Reconcillation Week


In their lunch time our Year 6 students decorated and made keyrings for all the ancillary staff at the Calvary Hospital North Adelaide. They were invited to attend an Indigenous lunch of emu, wallaby pate and salami; kangaroo; crocodile sausage; wallaby pattie & myrtle tart. The students  presented the staff with the keyrings who were very appreciative. There was also a display of artwork that was done by our Year 5 students.

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Children's University


Children’s university is super fun and rewarding. It is when children get to explore places and do activities to earn hours in your learning passport.

On the 13th of May, Dorian and I got to go to the space centre where we were able to take part in a large number of games that enabled us to learn about space and have fun at the same time.

We learnt about lots of amazing things like you have to use a laser to clean up space debris but what interested me and Erik the most is the Mars Rover. At the space discovery centre they had a little mechanical model of what a normal Mars Rover would do and look like. We learnt that Mars Rovers are programmed to do whatever they need to do on Mars and then they just do it.

If you want to you can go check out the Space Centre.


Mother's Day Morning Tea and Liturgy


Last Friday the staff hosted a Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Liturgy, and it was so fantastic to have so many mothers and grandmothers join us for this special community event. The staff were wonderful in organising and serving the breakfast, and the liturgy was prayerful, reflective and celebrated mother’s and other significant women in our children’s lives.

The Mothers’ Day Stall was very well organised and it was great to have a grandfather and father of the school assist on the Stall with a couple of mums. Many thanks
to the Parents and Friends who organised and wrapped the beautiful gifts for our children to gift their special people. Money raised by the Parents and Friends this
year will be allocated to outdoor furniture and seating for the students.