Recent News


KESAB “Clean Up St Monica’s”

15 March 2024

 We spent one afternoon after lunch undertaking “Clean Up St Monica’s”. We started as a whole school hearing from our Ecology Leaders about their work with Lee from KESAB in understanding what is our footprint on the environment through our rubbish and are we using our bins systems appropriately.


15 March 2024

 We spent one afternoon after lunch undertaking “Clean Up St Monica’s”. We started as a whole school hearing from our Ecology Leaders about their work with Lee from KESAB in understanding what is our footprint on the environment through our rubbish and are we using our bins systems appropriately.


Congratulations Hanz

18 December 2023

Winner of Walkerville Council 2023 Christmas Card Competition. 

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End of Year Concert Celebrations

18 December 2023

Thank you to everyone who came out and shared a fantastic night at St Monica's End of Year Concert. 

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St Monica's Celebrates Mother's Day

15 May 2023

Celebrating our Mums, grandmas, auties and special ladies is always a highlight of our school calendar.

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Celebrating 200 Years of Catholic Education

07 June 2021

On Monday 24 May 2021 Catholic schools around Australia celebrated 200 Years of Catholic Education in Australia. 

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Reconcillation Week

07 June 2021

In their lunch time our Year 6 students decorated and made keyrings for all the ancillary staff at the Calvary Hospital North Adelaide.

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Mother's Day Morning Tea and Liturgy

18 February 2019

Last Friday the staff hosted a Mothers’ Day Breakfast and Liturgy, and it was so fantastic to have so many mothers and grandmothers join us for this special community event. The staff were wonderful in organising and serving the breakfast, and the liturgy was prayerful, reflective and celebrated mother’s and other significant women in our children’s lives.


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