Term 1 Week 9

The last two weeks have been a time of wonderful celebrations and lots of activities.
During Week 8 we celebrated the feast of St Joseph, one of our patron saints with a beautiful school mass. Fr Matthew was so proud of our children for the way they participated in the celebration and was particularly impressed by Year 3/4 V who led us beautifully in our mass.
We also recognised the important day of Harmony Day on 21 March. This is a national day of celebrating the uniqueness of each person, acknowledging our differences but proudly working together to achieve great things. Our school was awash with the colour orange and so many beautiful cultural outfits representative of our families. The images on our socials and included in this newsletter of the day fill with me pride and great joy. Thank you for supporting this important day.

Also, last Friday we had a group of very excited footballers travel to AFL Max to help Sam Mac with his live weather crosses on the Sunrise program. I’m not sure where the children got their energy at 5.00am in the morning but I know that there were some sleepy people back at school during the day, including me. Thanks to Sam Rossi from AFL Max who offered our school this amazing opportunity. It was a great experience and apart from having fun at the newly renovated centre, watching how live TV works and all the background organisation and planning was very interesting.

Excerpt from the Archbishop’s Pastoral Letter for Lent 2025
Through acts of penance, we align ourselves more closely with the suffering Christ. Fasting helps us detach from wordly excess, prayer deepens our relationship with God and almsgiving opens our hearts to the needs of our sisters and brothers. In these ways, we prepare for the joy of Easter, when Christ makes all things new.
Archbishop Patrick O’Regan

St Joseph’s Feast Day- 19 March
As a Josephite school the Feast of St Joseph is a big deal. The Josephites were inspired by St. Joseph because he represents the qualities they wanted to follow in their mission: humility, hard work, and faith. St. Joseph cared for Mary and Jesus and lived a simple life as a carpenter, always trusting God. These values matched the Josephites' goal to help people in need, especially children, by showing kindness, working hard to provide education, and living with faith and simplicity. It's like having a role model for their work! They saw St. Joseph as someone who truly cared for others, just like they wanted to do.
A special thanks to Fr Matthew Newman for celebrating our school Mass last week on the actual feast day.
Be like St. Joseph: help your family and friends, try your best in what you do, trust God or the good around you, and be kind without seeking rewards.

Rice Bowl Day fundraiser for Caritas Australia
Wednesday’s simple rice lunch was held for all of us to gain a deeper sense of what it’s like to live simply and be in someone else’s shoes. This concept is also called Solidarity. It is a Catholic Social Teaching principle that we are trying to teach in word and action at St Monica’s, especially during Lent, a time when we open our hearts to the needs of others. All money raised is going to Project Compassion.

Walk for Water
Next Friday, 4th April, all students will be uniting in the fight against poverty around the world through walking laps of the courts. Once again, an opportunity to act in solidarity with others less fortunate. We will have a coin line made that day too – I wonder how long it will go?

Holy Week Liturgies
Tuesday 8th April, Wednesday 9th April and Friday 11th April at 9am on the courts.
Let's gather to remember the special events of Jesus’ life during Holy Week.
· Palm Sunday: Remember Jesus' welcome into Jerusalem.
· The Last Supper and Good Friday: Think about His love and sacrifice.
Join us as we gather as a school community. Everyone is welcome!

Giving of Easter eggs
The resurrection of Jesus is celebrated on Easter Sunday which is in the middle of the school holidays. Before the school holidays we are still in Lent- preparing for Easter to come. The Resurrection of Christ is the basis of our Christian faith. It is the greatest of the miracles, for it proves that Jesus is God. Therefore, to respect the importance of the Christian celebration- the great celebration of Jesus’ victory over death- let’s wait until the first week back of term 2 to give Easter eggs.

The Power of Feedback
In the previous Newsletters this year, we have written about students spending time to identify areas of growth through creating learning goals. Learning goals are an excellent way for our young people to be self-reflective about both their academic and social/emotional learning. A learning goal can be supported by getting timely, explicit and constructive feedback. Feedback ‘is one of the most powerful influencers in education, but also one of the most variable’ (Hattie, 2015). Therefore, we need to give feedback during learning, by being explicit about what student are doing well and what they need to work on next. Feedback also teaches our students a valuable lesson in resilience and taking on board constructive advice to further improve learning and social/emotional outcomes. This can be applied in many aspects of life from being in a sporting team and getting feedback from the coach or playing an instrument and getting feedback from the teacher. We can help support our learners at home by asking 3 important questions:
What are you learning about?
How are going?
What do you need to work on next?
The school is engaging in a 3-year Professional Learning project:
Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports (PBIS)
is an evidence-based multi-tiered framework for supporting students’ behavioural, academic, social, emotional and mental health.
creates positive, predictable, equitable and safe learning environments that support everyone for success.
provides schools with a process for teaching social and behavioural skills and helps them to develop a positive, proactive, and systematic approach based on school data.
It takes the approach that opportunities for learning and achievement increase if:
the school environment is positive and supportive
expectations are consistently clear
students are consistently taught expected behaviours
expected behaviours are consistently acknowledged
behaviour errors are consistently responded to in a fair and equitable way.
Our first and early steps in this project are to identify our core school values which will then shape what our expectations are across the school.
The 2025 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Younger Readers –
Aggie Flea Steals the Show by Tania Ingram, Fluff: Mess Up! by Matt Stanton, Fluff: Mess Up! by Matt Stanton, Saskia Spark-Lee: Fundraiser Fail by Rebecka Sharpe Shelberg, Saskia Spark-Lee: Fundraiser Fail by Rebecka Sharpe Shelberg, To and Fro by Anton Clifford-Motopi

The 2025 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Early Childhood Shortlist
Don’t Worry, Felix by Yohann Devezy & Katharine Alice, Everything You Ever Wanted to Know About the Tooth Fairy (And Some Things You Didn’t) by Briony Stewart, How to Move a Zoo by Kate Simpson, One Little Dung Beetle by Rhian Williams, Spiro by Anna McGregor, Spiro by Anna McGregor

The 2025 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Eve Pownall Award Shortlist
Always Was, Always Will Be by Aunty Fay Muir & Sue Lawson, Design & Building on Country by Alison Page & Paul Memmott, Flora: Australia’s Most Curious Plants by Tania McCartney, I am a Magpie, I am a Currawong by Bridget Farmer, Making the Shrine: Stories From Victoria’s War Memorial by Laura J Carroll, South With the Seabirds by Jess McGeachin

The 2025 CBCA Book of the Year Awards Picture Book Shortlist
Afloat by Freya Blackwood, text by Kirli Saunders, The Garden of Broken Things by Freya Blackwood, A Leaf Called Greaf by Kelly Canby, These Long-Loved Things by Ronojoy Ghosh, The Truck Cat by Danny Snell, text by Deborah Frenkel, We Live in a Bus by Dave Petzold

St Monica’s have entered 3 teams into the ‘Lacrosse at the Lights’ Term 1 tournament at Lightsview.
This is a 6 week ‘Come and Try’ style tournament where there is no cost to families and is all about allowing the children to join in and see if they like it.
We have two Under 8’s teams and an Under 11’s team, and have increased our numbers from Term 4 last year which was very pleasing.
It’s also been great to have our sister school in St Martin’s also entering teams and being able to compete against them (and also with them, when shared players were needed)
Our weekly training sessions on Wednesdays have been well attended and have been lots of fun. The children have fine-tuned their skills and its been great to see them put them into action on Saturdays, and at this stage, all 3 teams are undefeated.
2025 Term 1 Results (up to Round 4):
Round 1:
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Blue 8 def Redwings 4
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Yellow 10 def St Martin’s 6
Under 11’s: St Monica’s 13 def St Martin’s 0
Round 2:
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Yellow 9 def Redwings 8
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Blue 8 def St Martin’s 4
Under 11’s: St Monica’s 12 def Hounds (Blackfriars) 5
Round 3:
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Blue 7 def St Monica’s Yellow 6
Under 11’s: St Monica’s 12 def Redwings 3
Round 4:
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Blue 18 def VS Redwings 4
Under 8’s: St Monica’s Yellow 9 def St Martin’s 6
Under 11’s: St Monica’s 23 def St Martin’s 7
A big thankyou to Jim and Emily for their support of the teams, and for dropping by one week to cheer the teams on!
The children’s faces lit up when they saw them on the sidelines!
Also thanks to the East Torrens Payneham Lacrosse Club for providing equipment and organising coaches and teams.
We are pleased to announce that St Monica’s will be entering school teams into the Lacrosse SA Winter season – see the flyer and link for more information.
The costs for the Winter Season have been kept very low and all players receive a free Lacrosse stick and ball to keep!
Simon Gill

The parent community has established a private group on Facebook that facilitates the trading of second-hand uniform items.
Please visit www.facebook.com/groups/stmonicasbuyswapsell and request to join the group if you are interested.
The page is ideal for selling items in good condition that your child has outgrown, or to sell items if your child is moving on. Simply post images and your contact details. Alternatively, you can join the group to take advantage of the pre-loved items that become available.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, please contact the P&F pandf.stmonicas@gmail.com and they will assist you with the sale of items.
Please note the sale of old-style uniform items is not allowed. St Monica's Parish School does not manage this page and takes no responsibility for any private sales.
We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the land upon which St Monica’s learn, work and play.
May we walk gently on this land acknowledging the Kaurna people's deep spiritual connection with their country.
We pay our respects to Kaurna elders past and present and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Assembly Led by 1/2BR @ 2.15pm
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Walking for water event- Project Compassion
Last Day of Term 1 @ 3.00pm
Pupil Free Day
Term 2 Commences
Mother's Day Stall
Mother's Day Breakfast and Liturgy
Father's Day stall
Father's Day Breakfast, Liturgy and Stall
Sports Day at St Alban's / Last Day of Term 3
