Term 3 Week 10
My part of the newsletter is based on one word – gratitude. A dear friend of mine who I have known for close to thirty years taught me the that one of the most thoughtful gifts that you could give to anyone are to say the words thank you. So, I wish to offer these words to:
The staff of St Monica’s for their diligence, commitment and passion for the students. Being a teacher is not an easy job, despite what some people suggest. I believe it is a vocation, a calling. A child will ‘learn’ their teacher before they learn anything else. We have the very privileged role of working in partnership with you in the education of your child. We aim to do this so that each child is happy, safe and can be the best version of themselves. Thank you to each staff member for what their continuing efforts and commitment to each child.
To the families of our wonderful students – thank you! For the times you have volunteered, when you have helped with some project that is happening at school. To those parents who are on a representative committee such as the School Board, Parents and Friends or the OSHC management team – thank you. To those who allow your children to experience learning in so many different and special ways outside the classroom – thank you. For the love and care you surround your child with so that they know they are the most important person to you – thank you.
To our wonderful students for their positive and growth mindset and inclusive and welcoming manner. Each time I or Bronwyn take a potential new family on a tour, they always comment on happy and friendly the students are. This is who they are, not something that is expected or practised. It comes naturally and makes such a difference in families making the decision to come to our school. Thank you, children, for the people you are and the way you include and nurture others. A special thank you to our Crossing Monitors who have taken on the responsibility for ensuring that students and their families cross busy Brunswick St safely before and after school.
We have a busy term ahead of us in Term 4. Please note the important dates that are shared with families in this newsletter. A couple of the most important ones are the Pupil Free Days:
Monday 16 October, Thursday 14 and Friday 15 December. Teachers will be using this time to undertake professional development and to meet to share transition information about each student in preparation for 2024.
The front of school entry and playground redevelopment continues in the holidays. The entry and exit for Vacation Care will be via the back gates on Brunswick St. Jodie Byrne will share further information as it is updated. We expect that the works for the entry space will be completed by the end of the holidays and the whole development will be completed by Week 4.
Thank you to the families who have contributed to the Strategic Plan survey. Your input is invaluable. It would be great if there were more perspectives included and it’s not too late. The link is https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/SMPSSPSurvey2023.
I wish each family lots of time to just relax and have a break from the school term routine over the next two weeks. PJ days and a good movie or board game are compulsory.
Take care,
All families wishing for their child(ren) to receive their Sacraments of Initiation into the Catholic Church are invited to attend an information session on Sunday 22 October. Mass will begin at 9.30 am at the Greenacres Catholic Church and the information session will proceed immediately after mass. For more information please contact the parish on 8261 6200.
To celebrate the end of Term 3 Student Voice hosted Footy Fever. Students and teachers all wore their favourite team colours and participated in handball competitions. It was a great way to end a really busy term.

Student Voice went above and beyond to celebrate all our fabulous staff today for World Teacher's Day. With the help of some beautiful families, the staff were treated to morning tea, thoughtful care packages and messages of love from the students. It was the perfect display of how special our St Monica's community is. Thank you Student Voice!

Scholastic Book Club
There will only be one issue of the Book Club this term. This would be a great opportunity to purchase Christmas presents which will be kept separate from the student orders and you will be notified when they arrive. This can be done by selecting the ‘gift’ option when ordering. Thank you for your support of the Book Club this year which has enabled the purchase of many resources for the classrooms and Library.
“Books make great gifts because they have whole worlds inside of them.” – Neil Gaiman
Premier’s Reading and RbaC 2023 Challenges
The PRC and RbaC Challenges have now finished. Congratulations to all the students who participated and to the parents and staff who encouraged and supported them . The certificates and medals will arrive in November.
Overdue Library Books and Readers– a friendly reminder
Please check at home over the holidays for any overdue library books and return them next term. Thank you.
Recess and Lunchtimes in the Library this term
As the playground has been unavailable this term the Library has been open at recess and lunchtimes providing a happy and busy space.

The parent community has established a private group on Facebook that facilitates the trading of second-hand uniform items.
Please visit www.facebook.com/groups/stmonicasbuyswapsell and request to join the group if you are interested.
The page is ideal for selling items in good condition that your child has outgrown, or to sell items if your child is moving on. Simply post images and your contact details. Alternatively, you can join the group to take advantage of the pre-loved items that become available.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, please contact the P&F pandf.stmonicas@gmail.com and they will assist you with the sale of items.
Please note the sale of old-style uniform items is not allowed. St Monica's Parish School does not manage this page and takes no responsibility for any private sales.
We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the land upon which St Monica’s learn, work and play.
May we walk gently on this land acknowledging the Kaurna people's deep spiritual connection with their country.
We pay our respects to Kaurna elders past and present and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Term 4 Commences
Board Meeting
Tennis Carnival Years 3 & 4
Sports Day
Year 3 Nature Play excursion at Belair
P&F Meeting 7.00pm
Athletics Carnival
Children's University Graduation
Grandparents Afternoon
Yr 5&6 Camp
Year 3 Excursion Art Gallery
P&F Meeting 7.00pm
Year 3 Bounce Excursion
Board Meeting
End of Year Concert
Year 6 Graduation Mass and Dinner
Last Day of Term 4
