Term 2 Week4
I would like to say a very sincere and large thank you to the Parents and Friends Committee for their organisation of the Sausage Sizzle held at St Monica’s Polling Booth during the recent Federal Election. We were blessed to have a beautiful day with the sun shining on us and even more blessed to have many families volunteer to cook and serve our visitors. It was a smooth and successful fundraiser for us and all money will be used to provide more resources for the students.
Another large thank you must also go to two very generous businesses who donated goods for this sausage sizzle. The sensational Slape and Sons sausages helped with sausages, onion and napkins and the delightful Dulwich Bakery at Collinswood donated all the bread. Please support these amazing businesses and let them know we appreciate their support.
Whilst talking about the Parents and Friends, I would encourage any parent or carer to join this very productive and welcoming group who work so hard to support our students and community. You may not be able to attend every meeting, but you are most welcome to join them as a casual member or assist at an event. The more the merrier!
School Disco Friday 24 June 2022
Time to get your groove on!
Reception to Year 2 - 6.00 - 7.15pm
Years 3 to 6 - 7.30 - 9.00pm
The next event being organised by the Parents and Friends is the school disco. The theme is “Crazy Colour Disco”. While the children are busy burning off their energy, parents and carers are invited to the library for a very enjoyable evening of wine tasting from Virgara Wines. Creche will be available, more information will be sent home closer to the date.
More details to follow in coming weeks.
Sports Day Friday 4 November 2022
Please mark this date into your calendars for our second go at our school’s annual Sports Day. It will be held at Clearview Oval and all families are most welcome to join us. Look forward to another great community gathering.
Peer Mediators
Our Year 6 students have completed their training in Peer Mediation and now are fully operational. These leaders are rostered on to be of service to our younger students who may have an issue at the break times. They can assist in simpler tasks such as tying shoe laces, opening lunch boxes or drink bottles or help with some low level friendship challenges. An important part of their training is to discern when they should get an adult involved to assist with a particular issue. Their leadership and care for the younger students is a wonderful thing to witness. Many thanks to these students for their leadership and service and also to Ms Sarah Morris for training them in this initiative.
Pupil Free Day
A gentle reminder that we are having a pupil free day on Friday 10 June. Staff will undertake their update in First Aid Training on this day. OSHC will be available to families on this day. Please contact Jodie or Annette to book your child/ren in.
God’s blessings,
Emily Sayer

Living Kaurna Cultural Centre
“We are living, learning and playing on Kaurna Land” was today’s theme that underpinned this year’s Thriving People event.
On Monday Jacob, Abby and Lily participated in the Thriving People event at the Living Kaurna Cultural Centre, Bedford Park.
We started our day with a smoking ceremony and had ochre placed on our foreheads. We learnt about ochre, crushing and painting with it. We tried weaving and especially enjoyed the bushwalking activities, learning about the salt bush berries and that some fruits and berries cannot be eaten. We also looked at fire pits our Kaurna neighbours used and building our connection with country.
The whole day was a wonderful way to immerse ourselves in aboriginal culture.

This week, Catholic Schools across South Australia celebrate Gifted Awareness Week. Students have a range of talents and strengths. We have run some special lunchtime activities each day this week to challenge children's thinking including:
'Mystery Box - problem solving narrative', General Knowledge Quiz Show, Portrait drawing with a difference, Rubik's Cube Challenge and Dance Lesson.

This year we have seen an increase in food packaging at the school and therefore litter around the school. To support our environment, we have set each class a challenge... to make their lunchboxes NUDE! This means trying not to bring packaged items to school, instead, choose 'naked' food such as fruit and veg or use containers to bring food in such as biscuits and sandwiches. If you show your 'nude' lunchbox to the teacher, students can earn house points!

In preparation for their upcoming Confirmation, students from our school joined students from St Martin's Parish School to participate in the Parish Sacramental Program Retreat. The full day event allowed the children to dive deeper into the faith by exploring the 'Fruits of the Holy Spirit', while also enjoying the company of other children in their parish. The fruits of love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentelness and self-control are what others see, experience and enjoy from us.
If you wish your child to complete their Sacraments of Initiiation, contact the parish office or Bronwyn Ridley (APRIM) to be placed on the 2022/23 Program which will comence in Term for 2022.

Upcoming workshops:
- Understanding Autism, 30th May 3:45 - 5:15pm
- Why's and How's of Evidence Informed Strategies, 6th June 9:30-12:30pm
- Choice making Frameworks 15th June 3:45-5:15pm
- Supporting Resilience and Wellbeing 22nd June, 9:30-12:30pm
- Achieving Inclusion, 29th June 9:30-12:30pm
For more information please visit: https://autismsa.org.au/training-consulting/
Sarah Morris
(Leader of Learning - Wellbeing and Inclusion)
Over the term we have been making soup every recess on Wednesday for the Adelaide Day Centre. We have been able to do this because of the donated veggies and ingredients from our community. Our soup allows homelss people in Adelaide to recieve a free hot meal this winter. We would like to thank all the people taking part in either donating or cooking. Thank you! Brooke and Georgia - Year 6

Please refer to the images below regarding news and events happening in and around the Library.

St Monica’s acknowledge the Kaurna People as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Pupil Free Day
Public Holiday
Year 3-6 Lacrosse Carnival
School Disco
Yr 3-6 Netball Carnival
Last Day of Term - 3pm Finish
Sports Day
Kildare College Tours

Soup Donations
