Term 2 Week 8
Since our last newsletter we have some wonderful celebrations to acknowledge in our community. On 16 June, thirteen students from St Monica’s celebrated the sacrament of Confirmation. We congratulate each of these students and their families on this significant milestone in their faith journey.
Another wonderful event occurred last Friday. We welcomed 15 very excited new Reception students for their first Transition visit. These students will start school as a new class and in their own classroom. Their energy and excitement during their first visit was wonderful to watch and experience and we look forward to having them visit this again this Friday.

We also have had three students selected for representative sports teams. Daisy in Year 6 has been selected for the 12 and Under State Football (Soccer) Team. Daisy will travel to Perth to represent South Australia and compete in a national competition. Xavier T in Year 5 has been selected to participate in the state Cross Country trials after competing and coming in the top 20 finishers for the S.A.P.S.A.S.A. Finally, Brooke in Year 6 has been selected for the Primary Netball S.A.P.S.A.S.A teams. Huge congratulations to each of these students (and their families) and we wish them every success in their upcoming competitions.
In last week’s newsletter I mentioned my very significant concerns about the safety of our students in Brunswick Street. I have been in conversation with Walkerville Council who are coming out to view our situation again and see what possibilities there are to improve this crossing to make it safer for the students. They will also be coming out to monitor the parking of cars and ensuring that the road rules are being adhered to. Another action I will be moving forward with is to work with SAPOL to have our senior students trained to be crossing monitors before and after school and with the support of a staff member. SAPOL have also offered to monitor the situation for us with occasional visits. I would also remind those who are collecting the children that the kiss and drop zone has a time limit of 2 minutes and the driver must remain in the car. If you need to assist your child to get in or out of the car, then you should be finding a safe space to park and coming to collect your child/ren or we will send them to you once we have sighted you. Performing a three-point turn or U turn at the crossing is also not safe or legal. Again, my main concern is for the safety of every child at St Monica’s not to make families’ lives harder. I hope that we as a community can work together to ensure that all our children remain safe. I thank you for your support.
I hope that you have a wonderful week ahead.
Emily Sayer
Congratulations to the thirteen students who last weeks celebrated the Sacrament of Confirmation with our Parish. They now begin to prepare for their final Sacrament of Initiation, First Holy Communion.

Families have been invited via Seesaw to bring in donations for St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal. Thank you to all families who are already donated. We will be accepting donations up until the end of the term. We will end our Winter Appeal with a PJ and Hot Chocolate Day on Friday 8 July, the last day of term. Order forms went home this week, please see link below if this order form went missing.
Uniform Shops temporary closure
Uniform shops will be closed Wednesday 29th June 2022, re-opening Monday 4th July 2022. During this time, we will be conducting an end of financial year stocktake and transitioning to a new stock management system.
We will have signs displayed in the uniform shops advising of the temporary closure, are we able to have this communicated through the school?
In P.E. All the year 3’s to year 6’s were learning lacrosse with Mr Mihelios (Mr M). On the June16, we had the lacrosse carnival, All the year 3’s to 6’s went and were placed into teams. The games went for 20 minutes.. There were a few teams that won every game. It was a competitive day but overall it was a very fun day. Our favourite part is when we bet a real lacrosse team by one goal! It was really fun because it was the year 6’s last lacrosse carnival at St. Monicas.It was also fun because we got to spend the day playing sports with our friends.
All teams were really good especially the year 3’s and it was only their first ever lacrosse carnival! A big congratulations all the players and a big thank you to all the staff and the volunteers that came. Finally, thank you to Mr M for teaching us how to play! We are now moving on to netball and the carnival is on Thursday 7 July, week 10.
Emily and Emilia Yr 6

St Monica’s acknowledge the Kaurna People as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Years 3-5 NAIDOC Mass - Parents welcome
Yr 3-6 Netball Carnival
Last Day of Term - 3pm Finish
PJ and Hot Chocolate Day
Sports Day
Soup Donations

Winter Appeal

Parish Baptismal Program
