Term 2 Week 7
Dear Community,
St Monica’s Parish School new Website in now live!
Finally, our new school website is live – up and available to you and others to access information and great news about our school and community. This newsletter will be the first posted on the new website. Many thanks to Annette, Bronwyn, and Courtney for their work in getting this up and running!
St Monica’s Master Plan
I am very pleased to inform you that the recently completed Master Plan, for buildings and facilities has been submitted for approval this week. Once approval has been granted, we will be able to share our exciting plans including, refurbished learning areas, specialist Music and STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Mathematics) facilities, large multipurpose hall and new administration facilities.
Cybersafety – ‘Think U Know’ - Parent Information Night
Last night parents attended an information evening presented By Acting Sergeant Phil Moss, SAPOL where they learnt about top tips in keeping their children safe online.
I encourage parents to access the practical and rich resources available online if you were unable to attend last night, and wish to be proactive in your children’s safe use of devices and the internet.
- https://www.esafety.gov.au/
- https://www.thinkuknow.org.au/index.php/resources-tab/parents-and-carers
- https://www.carlyryanfoundation.com/resources/fact-sheets
Transition Program - Mid-Year Reception
Next and the following Thursday, the school will be hosting transition visits for our 12 children who are commencing school next term. We look forward to welcoming them and assisting them and their parents in getting to know our school environment.
Have a fabulous long weekend!
Maria Canala, Principal
Despite the wintery weather the children and staff had a fabulous time on camp this week and learnt about farm life, went horse riding, and enjoyed the freedom of being in the country. Check out our Facebook postings for some fabulous photographs of their time away.

Today the children who are very much looking forward to the day, teachers and volunteers are off to the Lacrosse Carnival at West Beach. These are important times when children can demonstrate their skills, sportsmanship, enjoy the company of team members and being physically active.

On Thursday evening, Genna Harrison, Annabelle Hickson and Samuel Pascual who are involved in the Parish 2020/2021 Sacramental Program will be recieving the Sacrament of Confirmation. This Sacrament see the candidates be confirmed with the gifts of the Holy Spirt by our Archbishop Patrick O'Regan. We wish to extend a congratulations to them all as they continue on their faith journey. May they continue to be blessed and guided by the Holy Spirt and all its gifts.
We'd love to know what you think of the new St Monica's Newsletter (its digital - so you can view it on your phone). Please take part in this quick two question survey so that we can improve and confirm how mant people ae reading ....
This week we were fortunate to be able to make another soup donation to the Adelaide Day Centre for Homeless Persons. We want to say a HUGE thank you to Natalie Renna and the girls in year 6 for making a harty batch of Vegetable soup, which will go a long way to feeding many homeless people here in Adelaide's CBD. If you are able to donate time to make soup or vegetables, please make contact with the office.

Have you ever been read to by a duchess? Well, here’s your chance!! Listen to Sarah Ferguson, Duchess of York read Hugo’s Runaway Legs by Alys Jackson in this YouTube video. Complete the fun activities that follow to receive 60-minutes in your Passport to Learning. Download the activity booklet.
Important Dates
Inclusive Education at St Monica's - Parent Evening
3-6 Netball Carnival
PJ, Hot Chocolate & Muffin Day
Last Day of Term - 3pm Finish
Please give generously

Feast Facts

The Feast of the Body and Blood of Christ, also known as Corpus Christi is celebrated in the Catholic Church as a reminder that the Eucharist as the source and sumit of the Catholic Faith. The Eucharist sustains Cathlics to be whitness of the faith, walk in the footsteps of Jesus and live in solidarity with every peron who's is unjustly treated.
Entertainment Books

Please find below the link to purchase the digital version of the Entertainment Book.
For every book purchased the school receives $14.00