Term 1 Week 7

I love having the chance to share with you all that is happening in our school. I hope that the long weekend was spent in a wonderfully air-conditioned space. What a hot weekend! I remember being a child growing up in Queensland and the hot and humid summers we would have. I think most of my afternoons after school and on weekends were spent running through the sprinkler.
Last Friday we held a pupil free day so that staff could gather for our staff retreat. The focus for this year’s retreat was “Head Heart and Hands”, reflecting on the life of Mary MacKillop, her story and how does her vision and mission of 1866 translate for St Monica’s in 2024. Paul Murphy, retired principal and CESA consultant and historian guided our day as we explored this question and the values that were evident in her life’s work then and how we can immesh them in our work today. Staff contributed significantly to the discussions and from here, we take these conversations with us as we rewrite our Vision and Mission statements.
Like all schools throughout Australia, NAPLAN is upon us. The teachers have worked with the students to prepare for these tests without making it into something too dramatic or stressful. Whilst the results do provide us with some useful information, in exploring the data we also take into consideration the other data that we collect from formative and summative tasks we ask the children to undertake. We also have school and system-based assessments to utilise. NAPLAN results, school and individual summaries, are shared with schools generally at the end of Term 3.
As parents, we are the most influential teachers of our children. I know that at times, this may not feel the case, but research shows that children will trust the information that their parents give them over any other individual or group in their network. I say this because I am asking for your help in modelling positive road safety behaviours. We have a few parents who don’t use the school crossing and are not being mindful of our neighbours and their properties at drop off and pick up times. The “Kiss and Drop” zone straight outside our back gate is only for passenger loading and the driver must always stay within the car. If your child is not there for collection, please be respectful of other parents and move forward or do a lap of the block. A teacher will always stay with a child. The council monitors our crossing and parents’ parking regularly and I am sure that you don’t want to give them any extra money.
I have had some feedback from parents regarding the sizing of our school uniform. In working with Permapleat and the school board, one of the new options for the uniform that will be available shortly is a skort for the girls' formal uniform. An image of the skort has been included for your reference and the cost of this is $36.50 and can be purchased from Vinnies on The Parade. The material is a lovely stretchy fabric and the bike shorts that have been sewn into the design make for easy and flexible movement. If you have any questions, please speak with Annette in the front office.

Our enrolment numbers have been steadily increasing over the last few years. During Principal’s Tour, I ask families what brought them to St Monica’s and why are they considering our community. The overwhelming response is that we have come highly recommended by families of current and past students. Thank you to all of you who are my ‘secret’ marketing agents. If you have a younger sibling who will be able to start in either Term 1 or Term 3 in 2025, please complete an enrolment form as we are undertaking interviews for 2025 early in Term 2. We don’t want anyone to miss out.
Finally, thank you to the families who have already ordered their delicious hot cross buns from the Kyton’s Hot Cross Bun Drive. My personal favourite are the FruChoc ones. All the money raised from this drive helps the P and F committee support the school in areas of improvements to the facilities and student learning.
God’s blessings,
Emily Sayer
Project Compassion
Our Project Compassion fundraising is well under way. Each student was given a project compassion money box to take home in the hope that they would donate any loose change they or their family may have.
Project Compassion is an important fundraising initiative St Monica’s undertakes. Students do a lot of work in this space over the term learning about Caritas Australia Organisation and the work they do overseas in different third world countries.
The theme for Project Compassion 2024 is ‘For all Future Generations’. It is an expression of hope and reminds us that the good we do today will extend and impact the lives of generations to come. It invites us to make the world a better place by working together now and finding long term solutions to global issues.
Please contribute any loose change you and your family may have to help us donate towards this important cause.

Upcoming Dates – Greenacres Walkerville Parish
Fridays during Lent 6:30pm Stations of the Cross St Martin’s Church
Tuesday, 19th March 10:00am Anointing of the Sick Mass St Martin’s Church
Wednesday, 20th March 6:30pm Sacrament of Reconciliation St Martin’s Church
Palm Sunday
Next Sunday is Palm Sunday, the final Sunday of Lent, and the beginning of Holy Week. It commemorates the triumphant arrival of Jesus in Jerusalem, days before he was crucified.
Palm Sunday is known as such because the faithful will often receive palm fronds which they use to participate in the re-enactment of Christ’s arrival in Jerusalem. In the Gospels, Jesus entered Jerusalem riding a young donkey, and to the lavish praise of the towns people who threw clothes, or possibly palms or small branches, in front of him as a sign of homage. This was a customary practice for people of great respect.
Palm branches are a widely recognised symbol of peace and victory, hence their preferred use on Palm Sunday.
The use of a donkey instead of a horse is highly symbolic, it represents the humble arrival of someone in peace, as opposed to arriving on a steed in war.

Upcoming Dates – St Monica’s Parish School
Sunday 24 March Palm
Friday, 28th March Good Friday
Saturday 29 March Easter Saturday
Sunday 30 March Easter Sunday
Monday, 31st March Easter Monday
Tuesday, 1st April 9am Easter Liturgy of the Eucharist
Book Club
Please note Issue 2 orders close on Monday 18th March. Thank you for your support of the Book Club which will enable the purchase of many resources for the classrooms and Library.
“Books make great gifts because they have whole worlds inside of them.” – Neil Gaiman
The parent community has established a private group on Facebook that facilitates the trading of second-hand uniform items.
Please visit www.facebook.com/groups/stmonicasbuyswapsell and request to join the group if you are interested.
The page is ideal for selling items in good condition that your child has outgrown, or to sell items if your child is moving on. Simply post images and your contact details. Alternatively, you can join the group to take advantage of the pre-loved items that become available.
For those of you who are not on Facebook, please contact the P&F pandf.stmonicas@gmail.com and they will assist you with the sale of items.
Please note the sale of old-style uniform items is not allowed. St Monica's Parish School does not manage this page and takes no responsibility for any private sales.
We acknowledge the Kaurna people as the traditional custodians of the land upon which St Monica’s learn, work and play.
May we walk gently on this land acknowledging the Kaurna people's deep spiritual connection with their country.
We pay our respects to Kaurna elders past and present and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Years 3&4 Camp
Board Meeting
Years 3&4 Camp
P&F Meeting 6.00pm
NAPLAN Numeracy Years 3 & 5
NAPLAN Catch up
Buddies - MacKillop
Parish Quiz Night
Holy Week
Good Friday
Easter Monday
Easter Liturgy Led by Student Voice
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Assembly Led by 1/2M
Parent Teacher Conversations Week
Last Day of Term 1

Pupil Free Days 2024
