Term 1 Week 3
Welcome Back Everyone!
It was so wonderful to be able to welcome back all students at the start of this week. Watching the children reconnect in person was just precious. They were so excited to be back and undertake their learning in their classrooms with their teacher.
I would like to acknowledge and thank the staff of St Monica’s for their commitment to maintaining connections and their high-quality teaching programs for our students during online learning. I would often be asked how school was going with another unusual start to the year. My response to this was we are doing this well – we’ve got this! It has been a great opportunity to model resilience and perseverance to our students.
Hopefully we will see reductions in some of the restrictions placed on educational settings and we will be able to welcome back our wonderful families onto our site.
Uniform reminders
Late last year the School Board of St Monica’s Parish School, reviewed the school uniform policy. A link to it on our school website has been included for your reference. I thank the families that support this policy in sending children to school in the correct uniform. I know that at times our suppliers at Vinnies are short of stock and an incorrect item may need to worn. A letter to the class teacher to explain this is fine. Wearing a uniform is a visible sign of belonging to a group or community and having the correct uniform is about pride in yourself and your community.
Pupil Free Day – Friday 11 March
I would like to alert families that we will be having a Pupil Free Day on Friday 11 March (long weekend). On this day teachers will be working offsite on Assessment and Learning, analysing data and moderation of students’ work. Due to not being able to meet as a whole staff in person and preparing for online learning, we did not have the opportunity to do this in the week before school started. OHSC will be available for families that require it and bookings will open soon.
Child Safety
Over the next few newsletters, I will be sharing key documents that Catholic Education of South Australia and its school communities use in the areas of Child Safety and Protection. Each year the staff engage with these documents to ensure that we are up to date with our understanding and processes in working with young people in a safe and respectful manner. We believe that it is important for families to also share in the policies and documents that inform our best practice. Please take some time to read them and if you have any questions or concerns, contact me.
The first of policies articles re child safety for parents – Safeguarding Children and Young People Policy, Responding to Online Safety incidents in South Australian schools - LINK
Old Scholars
The story of a community is so important in knowing who and what has gone before and to help build and continue connections. I have been amazed at the number of people who have had a connection with St Monica’s over the years.
We would like to start a data base of old scholars so when we have news to share or want to invite people to community celebrations it will be an easy task.
If you, or someone you know, is an old scholar of St Monica’s, could you please have them contact us on info@stmonica.catholic.edu.au We look forward to hearing from many old scholars who can share their own story and continue to be a part of St Monica’s story.
Student Voice
Each class has now completed the process for selecting their class representatives for Student Voice. I would like to congratulate those chosen and look forward to working with you on improving our school and having your thoughts and ideas included in our decision making processes.
God’s blessings,
On 13 February 2008, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd publically apologised, on behalf of the Federal Government, to the Stolen Generations – the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children who were forcibly removed from their families and communities by successive colonial and Australian governments. This week we acknowledged the anniversary of this significant event.
St Monica’s acknowledge the Kaurna People as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.

2022 Premier’s Reading Challenge
We have been advised by the organisers of the Premier’s Reading Challenge that the arrival of the Challenge materials has been delayed this year to accommodate the anticipated disruption to the start of the school year. When the Reading Challenge Forms arrive they will be distributed to the students.
The ‘Challenge’ aims to encourage a love of reading for leisure and pleasure to inspire children to read and foster a love of lifelong reading. It is not a competition but a challenge to read more widely. Students in reception to year 6 will need to read 8 books from the Premier’s Reading Challenge booklist at an appropriate literacy level. They may read 4 books of their own choice at a similar standard to titles featured on the booklist. Books in the Library which are on the PRC List are easily identifiable with the appropriate level stickers on the spine.
As well as borrowing from our School Library, it is a great opportunity to visit your local Public Libraries and borrow books for the Challenge. Completed PRC Reading Records can be returned at any time. Reading for the 2022 Challenge finishes on the 3rd September.
Overdue Library Books
As there are still Library Books out from last year, it would be appreciated if you could look at home and return any found.
Monday was Valentine's Day and also Library Lovers' Day and while Valentine's Day is only celebrated on one day of the year Libraries can be celebrated on 365.
About Library Lovers' Day
Remember the wonder you experienced when you first discovered something as a child? Maybe it was an idea, a place in nature, new understanding, or the pure joy of becoming lost in a new imaginary game for hours.
This feeling of childlike joy is the feeling that people are being encouraged to remember this Library Lovers' Day through the theme: 'Show the love'.
It's a day to remember that our libraries are a place where we can get lost in an idea we are following, find an adventure we are seeking in a book, discover more about an issue we feel passionate about or get help from someone about something we want to know. These are all the reasons (and more) to celebrate the valuable roles libraries play in our lives and to re-engage with our libraries and 'show the love'.
Thank you.
Early Years CB - Cooper & Amelia
Early Years M - Alisha & Millie
Early Years J - Oscar & Ania
Year 2BG - Leo & Ajay
Year 3ML - Elsie & Harrison
Year 4V - Ricky & Abigail
Year 4PE - Liam & Iella
Year 5M - Adela & Ella
Year 6M - Emilia, Imogen, Holly, Ava & Sam
Hi All,
I’d like to take this opportunity to introduce myself. My name is Nicholas Hensing and I will be working as a student social worker over the next 2 school terms. I am currently completing my Bachelor of Social Work at UniSA.
My goal is to provide children with the support they need to be successful through promoting social and emotional wellbeing. I strive to create a fun, varied and supportive learning environment to encourage students to overcome challenges and reach any goals they may have.
I am very much looking forward to getting to know the school community and learning as much as I can throughout my time here. Please feel free to come up to me if you have any questions or would just like to chat!
Thank you and kind regards
Nicholas Hensing
Hi, My name is Preetika Singh.
I am a Social Work student. I am doing my placements at St. Monica’s Parish School. My role in the school to help students with studies, adapting school environment, to keep their mental and physical well-being, to provide safe environment and other recreational activities. I am here for the next three months to work with these lovely students.
Preetika Singh.

Parents and Friends
The P&F committee invites parents, grandparents and carers to join the P&F for 2022. Help us organise events for the students and school throughout the year, look for fundraising opportunities and foster our beautiful community. Examples of past events are the school disco, twilight bowling, Mother's/Father's Day stalls, end-of-year raffle and more. Meetings are every few months as needed, and usually held at 2pm on a Friday.
Please note: The P&F fully supports casual attendees – you are not expected to attend every meeting or event, but we appreciate the help when it's available!
If you are interested, please email agiacomelli@stmonica.catholic.edu.au and you will be invited to the next meeting. We hope to see you there.
I am excited to share with you some Old Scholar success!
Anthony Chahoud achieved 93.45 on his ATAR for 2021, he also received a Merit for English.

Important Dates
5/6 Cricket Carnival
Shrove Tuesday
Ash Wednesday
Pupil Free Day
Adelaide Cup Public Holiday
St Joseph Feast Day
Harmony Day
3-6 Swimming Carnival (optional)
Feast of the Annunciation
Sports Day
Holy Thursday - LAST DAY TERM 1
Good Friday
