Term 1 Week 11
Term 1 – We did it together!
After two years of having COVID-19 in our lives, we think we have come to working in a new normal and that we will be fine. When I first started teaching, the school year was actually divided into three school terms. I know many of you are far too young to remember this. They certainly seemed long then, especially Term 2 with thirteen or fourteen weeks of teaching to be offered. This was usually the term when students and teachers would struggle with attendance the most. I also remember with great fondness that my first three classes consisted of 34 students minimum.
This term has felt just like the old Term 2. I know that the calendar tells us it was only eleven weeks in length but it certainly did feel longer. But we got through these extraordinary times together. Since the start of the year we have had 60 students and 14 staff (teachers, ESOs and OSHC staff) who have either tested positive or were deemed as close contacts and were required to isolate. In fact as I write this newsletter, I am sitting in isolation due to testing positive myself. I am disappointed that I could not be there on the last day to farewell the students and wish them the best for the holidays.
What I do know is that we have done this together and my gratitude and admiration for St Monica’s staff is significant. When we would have a staff member need to leave at short notice, other staff would jump in to ensure that learning programs continued with integrity and the offers to help with extra yard duties or to assist in OSHC were bountiful. If you get the chance to connect with your child’s teacher or one of amazing ESOs or the OSHC staff, a quick word of gratitude would be wonderful. This term has certainly taken its toll but the love and care of the staff for all students is clearly evident. I would also like to acknowledge the support of the families of St Monica’s during these extraordinary times. Thank you for supporting the whole community by keeping your child home as required.
We look forward to returning on Tuesday 3 May to a predictable school experience.
St Monica’s Old Scholar Sandi McDonald
In previous newsletters I have asked if anyone is aware of any old scholars of St Monica’s that we could reconnect with. Last newsletter we had two such people recognised. In this newsletter I share with you an article from The Advertiser’s SA Weekend magazine (2 April 2022) about Sandi McDonald who has just be appointed as a Supreme Court Justice. Sandi spent the latter years of her primary education at St Monica’s. I hope you find it as interesting as I did
If you do know of any other old scholars, no matter their field of expertise, we would love to connect and hear their story and memories from their time at St Monica’s.
I would also like to congratulate Zavier Murdoch in Year 6 for jointly winning a literacy prize in the Living Landscapes Writing Competition. A fantastic achievement Zavier!
Term 2 Uniform
Families are asked to remember that when the students return to school on 3 May that the winter uniform should be worn. We do have the two week “grace” period for the change over, but summer uniform should only be worn if the temperature is 30C or above. I thank you for your support in ensuring that your child/ren are wearing the uniform correctly.
As we end the term during Holy Week and then we move into the season of Easter, I wish each student and all families the most blessed time together. I hope that you all have a chance to take a moment to be still and reflect on why we have these days. That the life of a simple but extraordinary man who lived over 2000 years ago still has such a significant impact in our world today is important to reflect on. Jesus shared his new commandment with his community – “Love one another as I have loved you.” May we all try to live this simple but very challenging statement out with our loved ones and those who are on the margins of our society.
God’s blessings and peace,
Emily Sayer

Spaces are being finalised for our Early Years classes for Term 3 2022 and Term 1 2023. If you have a younger sibling who has not yet been enrolled please make contact with Annette Giacomelli, our Enrolment Officer.
If you are aware of any families who may be interested in attending a Principal Tour, please direct them to Annette.
Please visit our school's private You Tube account to view an Easter message from our Parish Priest Father Kym Spurling, addressing the students about the symbols and message of Easter - LINK

Easter Egg Guess
Holly (6M) and Charlotte M (4PE) - Correctly guessed the number of eggs in the jar. All money raised ($83.60) will be given to Project Compassion.

Good Egg Award
Awarded to Damola (4V) for showing compassion and kindness to others!
Special mention prizes: Emilia (Year 6) and Matthew (Year 3)
Our Kyton's Easter Fundeerraiser was a huge sucess. Huge thankyou to the P&F for coordinating the drive and congratualtions to Divanea (R/1J) and her family for winning the 'most ordered' award.

Our Library Shelves are looking a little bare at the moment - this is because there are many overdue Library books. Over the holidays could you please check at home and in school bags and return any found next term.
Premier’s Reading Challenge
The holidays are a wonderful time to read for pleasure and to visit your Public Library. Congratulations to Matthew Smith who was the first student to complete this year’s challenge. Completed PRC Reading Records can be returned to the Library.
Premier’s be active Challenge is up and running encouraging students to be more active, more often. Participants are rewarded with medals if they complete at least 60 minutes of physical activity on at least 5 days per week for at least 4 weeks.
Scholastic Book Club
Next term we will be implementing a Scholastic Book Club. Twice a term students will receive the Book Club catalogue with a different selection of books for all ages. Owning your own books is something special. Each order helps earn free books and teaching materials for the School however there is never any obligation to order.
‘So please, oh PLEASE, we beg, we pray, Go throw your TV set away, And in its place you can install, A lovely bookshelf on the wall.’ – Roald Dahl, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory
Happy holidays
St Monica’s acknowledge the Kaurna People as the Traditional Owners of the lands on which we live, learn and work. We acknowledge the continued deep spiritual connection and relationship of Aboriginal peoples to this country and commit to the ongoing journey of Reconciliation.
Important Dates
Pupil Free Day - Holy Thursday
Good Friday
Anzac Day
First Day Term 2
Mothers Day
Federal Election - St Monica's Polling Booth
Public Holiday
Kildare College Tours

Kildare Scholarships
